As a new mom I can't help but wonder what A is thinking or trying to say through all that babble so many times I have "fake" conversations with him or is it with myself... well whatever you know what I mean.
I thought it would be interesting to write some blurps of what I think A is thinking or trying say because hey I should know right... I'm his Mama!
Dude and I have been hesitating to get A started on solids because frankly I'm freaked out that he is growing up so fast but I can't help think that A was trying to tell us something when we finally gave in one Saturday (early) morning...
What... what is this!? Why are you putting me in this weird sitting thing? Why am I sitting up right and have a tray in front of me? Where is my bottle!? Why am I sitting in front of you Mama and not laying down in front of you on top of the pillow thing that you put around you? I'm hungry!!!!!!!!!!! I've been telling you I'm hungry for SO long (about two weeks in adult time)! You feed me but I'm not full!
Oh oh... what is that.. what is Papa doing there with my milk!? Where is the bottle? Oh oh... (fist in mouth, shaking of the head, grunting) I see the milk!
I see the milk coming towards me but this is not my bottle it's something else. Oh who cares - it's milk!! (chomp, chomp, drool, more drool, swallow). Oh that was strange, this funny looking stick thing that Mama is holding has my milk but with something else (rice cereal) but it's milk so I don't care. Don't stop Mama! Give me more!
(a few spoonfuls later)
Oh ok... yum. That was different but still yummy. Hopefully Mama and Papa will give me more milk from now on... in whatever form it comes in -- because I'm hungry!
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